

February 4, 2024 by taumi33

I am absolutely against accepting immigrants. Even if we were to accept immigrants, I believe we should be cautious. I am concerned that large-scale immigration could bring changes to the culture and values of society. The increase in people with different cultural backgrounds and languages may dilute the sense of unity and shared values within society. Additionally, no matter how strict the screening process, it’s challenging to ensure that all immigrants adhere to proper conduct. We currently see many areas where immigration has led to deteriorating public safety. Moreover, I believe there is a risk of irregular immigrants or terrorists entering the country, even with stringent screening. The potential for increased immigration to limit job opportunities domestically is also a concern. The influx of new immigrants might compete with existing workers in the job market, leading to lower wages and deteriorating labor conditions. Additionally, there’s the consideration that accepting immigrants could place a burden on the country’s economy.


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