Introduction of summary of movie


April 30, 2021 by toru18

I watched introduction of summary of movie. I have watched it many times before. The movie I’m going to introduce is Jumper. Jumper published about 13years ago. Hayden Christensen played the leading part. At first, I’m going to explain the summary of this movie. The leading part of name is David Rice. He was bullied by classmate but he got on with a girl, Millie Harris. On her birthday, he gave her a present. However, his classmate who bullied him stole it and threw it into the pond. It was winter so the pond was frozen over but he went to there to get it. Then he drowned. At the moment, he moved somewhere. He didn’t recognize he did teleportation. Then he practiced and mastered it. He used his power to rob banks and get money. He got everything he wanted, but he was alone the whole time. He jumped into the pond and disappeared, but he couldn’t forget her. He went to the store where she worked. He reunited with her there and invited her on a trip to Rome, which she had always wanted to go on. However, during the trip, he met a person who had the same power of instantaneous movement. However, during the trip, she met someone who also had the power of instantaneous movement, and soon after, they were attacked by someone. They were paladins, people who kill people who can move at a moment’s notice. I managed to escape and get her back home. However, the paladins kill not only people who can move at a moment’s notice, but also the people around them. When she returns home, he struggles to protect her and manages to keep her safe.

What I thought when I saw this movie was that power has a price. In the real world, in order to gain a skill or power, you have to give up something else and make an effort. Otherwise, I think the balance of power would be out of balance. Another thought I had was that I simply wanted to travel instantly. If I could do that, many things would become possible. The first thing I want to do is to travel the world. You can travel without paying for airfare. I would like to go to Times Square. If I get the ability, I will be careful about crime.



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