Death Penalty


October 31, 2019 by nanae90

Throughout the history, societies around the world have used the death penalty as one way to punish the heinous crimes. It still exists these days, but many countries have starting to abolishing it. For example, in the US, California’s governor put a moratorium on the death penalty recently, which makes it temporarily stopping it altogether. The death penalty remains a controversial debate whole over the world. There are mainly 3 reasons why many people are against with death penalty then before.

First, death penalty will not discourages people for not committing a crime. In fact, the crime rates in many of the countries that have abolished the death penalty have actually gone down, while crime rates in countries that have the death penalty have not changed as a result of having it.

Second, life imprisonment guarantees that society will be safe from violent criminals. As long as the criminal is in prison, he has no access to the out- side world, so there is no logical reason to execute people.

Lastly, the government may have the possibility to execute an innocent person by mistake. And in most of the times, we don’t know the truth until much later. This is the major reason why does 80% of the countries in the world don’t use the death penalty. These government are concerning to have a risk of executing someone who is innocent.

I personally am against of death penalty because I simply believe that killing someone is a wrong thing, even the government. If they die, they don’t even have the chance to reform and that’s unfair.






  1. taiga18 says:

    Death penalty is too enough for criminals even if they murdered.
    Japan must do away with this system.

  2. yuto8232 says:

    I was asked the question that the death penalty should be illegalized in Japan just the other day. I did not answer the question well because it was a controversial question and I was undecided.

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