Monday and Money


July 21, 2014 by judy1

What a terrible thing if one doesn’t have knowledge. Also you can see that some professors do have knowledge, but why doesn’t they become wealth? So it is easy to draw the conclusion that knowledge can’t guarantee someone to own the fortune.
Although success is not measured by money, but it is a fact that almost most part of us the goal is making a large amount of money. Well, it is sad, so many wonderful things can’t be enjoyed without money, so many dreams can not come true if you do not have money.

Yes, money and wealth is important and can allow us to do a lot of things which we otherwise cannot do, but just like everything else, you get some, you lose some.

Most lottery winners lose all their money in a short time because the money came too easy. When you become rich, people respect you for your money, not for you as a person. You are unlikely to have real friends as everyone who approach you could have a motive. You can’t bring the money with you to your next life anyway.

Most people struggle a lifetime to accumulate some wealth and by the time they have sufficient money, they have aged and nearing the end. So what is the point?

Nevertheless, money is the reward for many things. Without money, nobody would do anything, so we have no choice but to chase wealth. Very few people got rich instantly, it needs time, struggle, hardwork, patience and endurance to become rich. It all depends on each person how far he want to go to chase wealth. Hope you dreams can come true.


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