Green Book


October 7, 2019 by juma056

The story is about unexpected friendship between a white guy called Tony Lip and African American pianist called Don Shirley. Tony was employed as a driver to take Don Shirley to the concert tour with “Green Book”. Green Book is a tool book to find the place to eat or sleep for African American people. I could notice how much Tony hates black people from a scene that he throws away two glasses which were used by black people to the garbage can. However, I was astonished that Tony totally changed hisĀ attitude and mind towards black people at the end, even though he was having really strong discriminatory feeling towards them at first. I think the reason for this big change is that Don Shirley are always being confident and can assert himself in front of people without embarrassment. Therefore, Tony is gradually impressed by his personality, his music and his way of expression as well. To me, he seems to be definitely a strong person, though actually he is also struggling with his position that he is not white enough and not black enough like those in the working class. This movie gave me an opportunity to consider about discrimination more deeply.


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