“The Save Childern”


May 26, 2014 by elmo11


What is happing in Syria?



In March 14th 2014, the save children in UK produced “Second A Day” video.

The save children is concerned with all over the world children to support and to save from suffering. There are a lot of associations in the world.

This video tolled us what is happened in Syria and many children hurt because of civil war. This short film begins with birthday party for a girl. Her family gathers and sings a song, happy birthday. However, a little girl seem to gradually lose hope and happiness. A young girl’s life gets turned upside-down in this second a day video.

This video appeared on Youtube. A lot of people saw this and were shocked. At the end of this film says “Just Because It, Isn’t Happening Here, Doesn’t Mean It, Isn’t Happening”

I saw this film, I really was shocking. I understood what war does to children.War deprived her normal life and her hurt broke.


What can we do for Syrian children?





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