My holiday


April 19, 2019 by riho8255

From 15th Feburary to 20th Februrary, I went to Korea with my friend. The day before we chated until midnight and couldn’t sleep!

First day, we arrived our hotel at 8 p.m. so we decided to have dinner nearby barbecue store. That was so delicious and I came to love Korean food more and more.

Next day, we went to Myeong-dong for shopping! There are many stores like cosmetic shop, restaurante and souvenir shop. We Couldn’t go all and it was so fun! Then this night my friend’s friends invited to a party to celebrate their favorite idol’s birthday. I didn’t know who he is and also I can’t speak Korean so I was a little anxious. However they were so kind for me, they prepared delicious chikens and cake which is that idol likes to eat. After eating we watched that idol’s music videos and so on. By the time we return I came to like their musics and fan!

After 3 days we enjoyed shopping and eating!

It was my first time to go to Korea but it was more fun than I imagined. Now, we decided to go again and work harder to save money!


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