Alice in Wonderland


June 27, 2018 by merumo04

“Alice in Wonderland” is my favorite movie. This story is written about nineteen years old Alice’s struggle . It was directed Tim Burton and produced by Walt Disney Pictures.
At the beginning, Alice is proposed by her childhood friend in front of many people at a garden party. Everyone wants her to say “yes” but she could not answer and runs away.
Alice falls in a rabbit hole and see a lot of curious creatures. They look for the Alice because the Alice is the person who must kill the Red Queen’s Jabberwocky. However, they say that she is wrong Alice, so she loses her confidence if she is Alice.
On the appointed day, Alice is expected to go to the battlefield by everyone but she is still confused. She runs away again. When she is crying, Absolem the Caterpillar speaks to her. Talking with him, Alice finally remembers her childhood memories in Wonderland and asserts she is Alice Kingsleigh. She decides to fight with Jabberwocky. At last, she kills it and the White Queen wins the battle.
Alice goes back to the garden party, and says she cannot marry. She asks that she wants to work at the trade company of her father’s old friend.
Alice is a strong woman. She chooses what she truly wants to do without adhering to the standard. Her behavior always gives me courage.


  1. noriko60 says:

    Alice have the power to live!

  2. narumi17 says:

    I like the movie too! Alice is very cute and brave, she is my heroine!

  3. giwon75 says:

    That looks so interesting! I wanna watch someday!

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