Kimono or Yukata


June 19, 2018 by nao33

     How many times did you wear the Japanese clothes such as Kimono and Yukata?  Maybe, many people have worn Yukata when they went to the Japanese festival, Matsuri.  Kimono has some different points with Yukata.  I’d like to introduce about it. 

     First, People can wear Kimono at not only special days but also at dayly life because there are many kinds of Kimono.   On the other hand, people wear Yukata as normal clothes and night clothes in the past.  Recently, Yukata are wore as playing clothes at a festival during the summer.

Second, the way to wear is different between Kimono and Yukata.  When people wear Kimono, they wear a Juban that is an undershirt in the shape Kimono but in the Yukata case, people only wear underware such as lingery and pants.  

Third different point between Kimono and Yukata is materials.   Kimono has kinds of materials such as cottons, wools and silks but Yukata’s materials are mainly cottons.  Kimono has more kinds of materials than Yukata.

Do you understand about some different points between Kimono and Yukata?  You may think it is difficult and hard to wear them but you can feel Japanese culture and become better posture!!!

1 comment »

  1. merumo04 says:

    I wore yukata in P.E. class. Yukata has various colors and designs so I always enjoyed choosing my favorite. I want to go to summer festival wearing yukata!

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