Emily in Paris


November 1, 2023 by hannah044

I have watched a drama series named Emily in Paris. It is on netflix. this story is about  girl who works in America, Emily, who needed to transfer to Paris because of work. Emily will find many mates in work, find a best friend in Paris, and find her partner. There are so many drama’s between every one. and it is really interesting to watch. Also this drama introduces many cultures in Paris. I really like the clothing that Emily wears as well. This drama is very interesting in the Romance, fashion, work, culutral point of view. Also there was a very interesting point for me to know. This drama is about Paris, but made by mostly American people. Because of this, there are many bias about French people. In real, there are many criticism that says there are doing too much. French people claim that real Paris people are not that mean, they don’t smoke in pub lic place in morally, and so on. I thought it is very interesting that there are so meny  stereotypes about each countries, and it sometimes effect these video work.


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