Miss Representaion


December 20, 2022 by sakura027

It was a documentary video about how media provides fixed view about
women. Through watching this video, I realized that we have been
receiving the same messages about how women should behave over and
over from movies, TV shows, anime, since we were very young. And many
people, even many women believe that “women should be beautiful”,
“they don’t have to be intelligent”, “women should keep silence and
support what men do”. In such situation, I think women who has
outstanding abilities have taken away their opportunities for success in
the society. Besides, it is a very sad fact that so many young women are
not satisfied with their body and go on a crash diet to damage their
health. However, we have to be conscious that men are also victim of
many stereotypes. Many people think that men have to be ambitions,
earn a lot of money, and lead women. I think some of them might be
feeling huge pressure. Therefore, what I think we should achieve in the
future is to create society in which everyone will be appreciated not by their gender, but their personalities and abilities.


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