Reaction to the final presentation


January 21, 2022 by hanako35

Since this is the last online journal, I will write about a reaction to the final presentation in this seminar class. Overall, I enjoyed listening to all classmates’ presentations and I discovered many new things from them.

What made me considered most is how media should portray disabled people. Recently, there was a lot of terrible news about human rights. For example, Mio Sugita, a member of the House of Representatives, was criticized for violating LGBT people. In her speech, she said, “LGBT people have no productivity” and she discriminated against disabled people. This comment caused  controversy around us. I think this problem is very related to female genital mutilation(FGM). FGM is a custom that removes female sexual organs, occurred especially in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Fortunately, this custom isn’t spread in Japan, but as I said before, there is a tendency to make light of human life even in Japan.

I know that it is not easy to get rid of all discrimination all over the world. As we are human, we have feelings of “like” and “dislike”, and we can’t remove them. However, what I want to emphasize is always be respectful of others. Others might have charm that you don’t have. It is very important to discover others’ virtues even though you don’t like them. Through this final presentation, I learned how we should be and I can imagine my ideal image.



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