Iron man


January 20, 2022 by joi37


First of all, I learned how Iron Man was born and the origin of Iron Man, which made me like in the Iron Man character. I had seen the Avengers, even though I didn’t know most of the characters in it, when I saw it first time. Also, I was wondering why Iron Man, who didn’t look that cool, was the main character.

The origin of Iron Man. When the head of a company that used to manufacture weapons finds out that the weapons his company made are threatening people. So, he stops manufacturing them and starts to protect people himself. How cool is that. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a guy, but I was really excited to see the birth of a hero.When the form was completed, which I didn’t like originally, I couldn’t help but think how cool it was.

I also liked the relationship between Tony Stark and his girlfriend. I also liked the relationship between Tony Stark and his subordinate, with Gwyneth Paltrow playing the beautiful subordinate, and the two of them seeming to connect but not to engage. But it was nice to see how much they trust each other.


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