

October 15, 2021 by anna60

One of my favorite animation movies is “Coraline“. It’s about a girl named Coraline Jones who tries to adapt to her new life. She finds a mysterious door that takes her to the other world where her other button-eyed parents live. In the last, she has to fight with them to get out of there and go back to her real house.

I think that one of the greatest points of this movie is its imaging technique. It was my first time to watch a stop-motion animated movie, but I was surprised by its high technique to be realistic and fascinate audiences. Because it is a stop-motion animated movie, any CG is not used in it. Therefore, each character’s motion is very natural, and I felt like it is a real story even though it is a fantasy animation. Also, it is excellent as a movie for children because it can make them feel warmth peculiar to a stop-motion animated movie.

There are many films using CG now because technology developed rapidly. However, only CG can produce excellent works. Sometimes it is effective not to use CG and to use more complicated means to try to differentiate a movie from others.


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