Online Class


May 7, 2021 by ichika224

Now, Tokyo and other prefectures have a declaration of a state of emergency.

Moreover, it will be postponed more, so all our class is online class. I think it’s super nice because I can sleep more than face to face class, we can take class whenever we want and we don’t have to take a crowded train anymore.

However, some students prefer face to face class to online one. The important thing is to avoid crowded situation, so I think all schools should give students an option which we can choose online or face to face freely. If the number of students who want to take face to face is too many, we can be chosen by lottery to avoid crowded situation.

As my teacher said, in New Zealand, there are already such options for students before this pandemic, so both students and teachers don’t confuse about the pandemic situation.

I think Japanese education system is so old because most people prioritize old system too much and they believe face to face class is the best way, but in recent society, the most important thing is to suit the current situation flexibly. Therefore, I think now is a good opportunity to change Japanese education system.


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