

August 9, 2020 by takumi12

There is a series movie that I have been watching recently, that is “Heroes”. Have you ever heard this title name before? Well, I guess you do because it is a kind of a name that is used commonly. However, the one that I am going to write is probably new to you.

Telling you the summary of this movie it is kind of like an American comic movie “Marvels”. Each main character has a special power, for instance, a girl could become invisible and a man could copy others ability. Although, the difference is that they don’t wear any suits. They just look like a normal person in daily lives. In addition, as I told you above, the man who can copy others ability has to kill people with special power in order to absorb them, and therefore, those special people have to fight against that man. It’s like playing a game thinking how to defeat the enemy with your own power and I think that is the point why I thought this movie is fun to watch. It makes us think about the differences in individuals too.

In conclusion, this movie has a lot of aspects that people could enjoy, and therefore, please watch when you have time.


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