My dialy life


July 29, 2019 by nonoka8297

I have been writing this blog and I have no more to write so I want to talk about my daily life.

On the weekdays I go to school like the many of you and after school I go to my part time job. I work at denny’s as a waitress. It is a very busy place and most time it is very hard and tiring but sometimes it is very fun because you can talk with many type of people. At denny’s we are having a peach fair, so if you like peaches I would recommend you go to denny’s and eat the sweets. I have tasted them and it is very delicious!

On the weekends I usually sleep all day. I am not good at waking up early so I usually wake up around noon. When I have nothing to do I watch TV or sometimes make sweets with my mother. But these days I like going to the movies or go to a café to study. Summer vacation is coming soon so I want to use my time wisely.



  1. shusuke291 says:

    If you like movies, I highly recommend you to join Netflix!

  2. rena8246 says:

    Your daily life is very wonderful!!

    Please play with me at summer vacation!!

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