Health is important


June 5, 2018 by kanami50

Recetly, I really think of importance of health.

Last week, I got out of condition. At the beginning, I had a sore throat. At that time, I did not think it seriously. The next day, I had a worse sore throat, and I was getting to feel that it is sick. As days went by, my condition was getting to be worse. I became to cough, and sneeze many times.

Maybe, the cause is lack of sleep. At that time, my sleeping time was about five hours in a day. I thought it was enough time, but actually, it was not enough. In fact, I became sick because of it. During I was sick, I decided to keep at least 6 hours for sleeping.

I tried to heal it by herbal medicine, because it went well with me for healing sickness. However, I was not getting well. So, I went to hospital and saw a doctor. The doctor said, “You developed a hay fever.” I was surprised to hear that. The doctor said, if you sleep only little time, you are possible to get a hay fever. I was relieved, but was little shocked, because a hay fever is said to be hard to heal the allergy.

Now, I am completely healthy, and really think maintaining health attitude is very significant.


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