20-year-old girl murdered in Iruma,Saitama


November 3, 2014 by marika122

On October 18th, the 20-year-old girl murdered in Iruma city,Saitama prefecture.She worked at convenient store which was near her home, and she seemed to be killed after she did part-time job at that day. She and the murderer did not know each other, and he seemed to say  “I wanted to kill anyone, anyone was okay if I could kill.” according to police of Saitama.

However,neighborhood who live in near his house said “I do not think he killed anyone. His dream was to be a police officer. Although he dropped out his high school, he struggled to study and he went to university. So I could not believe he murdered. “On the other hand, according to the police, it seemed that she felt she was run after by someone. She might have  noticed him.

 I am so nervous to read the article and hear the news because the place was very close to my home.I know the place she was found and the convenient store which she worked .It will not be strange the same thing will happen to me, I am afraid that I will be able to defend me by myself if so.Now, I am working at convenient store at night on Monday and Thursday, and the time to go home is always too late. Since the incident happened, my mother told me to go to the store which I am working at by bicycle in order to go home as soon as possible.It is very important to prepare for the worst in order to defend oneself.


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