Come and Have Delicious Dishes !


September 26, 2014 by natsu121

Recently, I began a part-time job at restaurant. It is much tougher than I expected, but I’m learning hard to remember my work and enjoying it.  Now, I’ll advertise the restaurant to you.  It is an Italian restaurant in Takashimaya in Futakotamagawa. All dishes are very delicious.


There are many kinds of dishes!


All desserts are richly flavored!


This grilled pork is very tender and succulent!


You must spend a wonderful time with like these dishes!

The name of restaurant is Cafe-Sturge (sutaju). It’s on the fourth floor of south building of Takashimaya.  Please come !!


1 comment »

  1. sayaka121 says:

    I’d like to visit your restaurant!
    These dishes look so dericious, and I want to eat!!
    I also start part time job and it is tough for me.
    After working, I get so tired so I sleep in the train every time however, my station is the end of the line so I don’t have to care about forgeting to get off the station.

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