East is East
0May 31, 2019 by rena8246
Today, I watched “East is East”. My first time to watch this movie. This movie’s summary is the family who live in England and father is from Pakistan and mother is from England. Their child is half Pakistan, half England. They are so problem child. But The most problem person is Father. He is very stubborn and he wouldn’t listen to people’s opinion what is different compare to him. So her wife has trouble dealing with him. The highligt of this movie is arranged introduction for marriage. It is so interesting because the father hides the arranged introduction. So his son was very angry because he don’t want to marriage Pakistani. The father and his son fight firectly. But last the family make up with each oter. Father understoods the mind of their family. So he reflected what his says and does.
I think this movie is so interseting because the difference of culture between Pakistan and England is difficult. This two countries also differents region.
So the conflict of father and mother is so many. It is serious to me.I don’t want to build family lile this. But this is so interseting.
Thank you.
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