

June 12, 2018 by terumasa14

I like a war movie because its action is very exciting and I move the story. We feel sad when we watch someone is killed by war, but I think it is  important for us to think of a war. Today, I’ll write about my favorite war movie, the title is “Fury”. Fury means extreme anger. This is named by the tank the main characters used in this movie.

This movie describe 5 American soldiers and their tank ” Fury “. The piriod of this movie is the World War Ⅱ. Allied tryed to overwhelm German army. Don who was performed by Blood Pit was leader of 5 Amarican. They challenged to beat 300 German soldiers. 5 American soldiers battled strenuously, but finally, 4 soldiers were killed by German soldiers. Only Norman; the youngest American soldier, survived the battle. He was praised as hero by allied.

There is two points  in this movie. First, the state of American soldiers who confront high-performance tank of Germany, “ Tiger ”. I was impressed by the brave American soldiers. Second, this movie describes the growth of young soldier. The beginning of this story, Norman cannot kill opponents, but Don taught him important things. So, Norman became good soldier at the end of the story. I moved deeply the growth of Norman.

We can learn many things from war movie, so please watch war movie which you are interested in.


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