Blade Runner
1October 27, 2016 by reina131

We watched the movie “Blade runner” in the class. The future world in 2019 illustrated in this story. A spaceship was floating in the sky and used to move anywhere. This movie was made about thirty years ago. I think we can’t see the world like this movie in few years. I think technology is developed sufficiently now so I was surprised people imagined more technological world thirty years ago.
As my teacher said, we saw some advertisements on the building in Japanese.
I felt very strange because I think they didn’t match the world. However, it might come true in decades. I thought it was not good but I want to see this scenery in the future.
Some robots were made by human now but they are not cleverer than humans but Replicant which was made by human in this movie became stronger and more intelligent. I think it is very scarly so I don’t want to come true that for a long time. Also, some robots I have seen didn’t have emotions. At first, I felt it strenge but I think this setting was interesting.
I heard those machines progressed. They can do only simple tasks now but maybe they will progress more and more in the future. So I think we have to pay attention not to substitute by those machines.
Category Film and Television | Tags:
I am very interested in this movie. Isn’t it fun to see what people guessed what it would the world be like in the future? Like, the movie back to the future is fun to watch too.