Beauty and the beast
0January 22, 2024 by ai111
I would like to introduce you to Disney’s classic “Beauty and the Beast”. Belle, a bookworm and unfamiliar with the town, wanders into the Beast’s castle. The Beast was originally a human prince, but because of his meanness, he was turned into a beast by a witch.
In addition, the castle’s maids and cooks have also been turned into furniture and household items. In order for him to become human again, he must love and be loved by someone. Belle and the Beast became attracted to each other as they spent time together in the castle. And when Belle fulfilled the requirement to love and be loved, she finally returned to her human form. The magic of the castle was lifted and everything returned to its original form. Thus Belle and the prince lived happily ever after. There are many wonderful things about this film. First of all, because of the use of the latest digital technology, the movement and expressions of the beasts and magical furniture are rich and expressive.
This film seems to carry the message that we should not judge people by their appearances, and I think that the use of computer graphics beautifully expresses the importance of the inner life of human beings. Second, the film is also particular about Belle’s yellow dress. It seems that they pursued a design that would look most beautiful when Belle dances. Finally, the 1991 Disney animated film “Beauty and the Beast” received overwhelmingly positive reviews in terms of music, with three songs from one film simultaneously nominated for Academy Awards, and this film features all of those musical numbers. In addition, three new songs have been added to add depth to the story. If you have never seen “Beauty and the Beast,” this is a must-see.
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