Who do you respect?
0May 26, 2023 by suzuka17
Who are your respected people?
My teacher in an announcement school asked me the question.
I have three women I respect.
First, Ms. Kashiwa. She was my classroom teacher in my first grade. She often said to students “All experience makes you stronger”.
This word encourages me when I experience failure or something bad. I can think of all my experiences as meaningful even if they make me feel bad.
Second, Ms. Maki. She was my ECC teacher. I had gone to ECC for 15 years. She is so positive person. She has a lot of foreign friends, so she often told me about her experiences with her friends. She expresses “English makes your life better and broader”.
Third, Marina Takiwaki. She is a famous diet YouTuber. Her two sayings inspired me. One is “Being thin does not mean beautiful”. The other is “Praise your efforts every day even if the efforts are just a little”. From her video, I could improve the biased appearance of supremacist views. Also, I could be positive since I started to praise myself in my mind every night.
Do you have some respected people? If you answer yes, please tell me who, and why.
Thank you.
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