change things about Japanese culture
0April 28, 2023 by kazuya66
We people have different thoughts, ideas, language accents, custom for each of them. If I could change things about Japanese culture, I would change custom of working too much in their lives. I saw a lot of people who are riding on the tain early in the morning before 6am and after 11pm with formal suits when I use it every time. They are working from before sunrise to before the moon turns south. I wonder if they are working on during that time, it is too much to work for the company and hard to take care of their body and themselves in their home every day. It is not necessary to work on the company where allows to make their company employees working for a long time because that type of company does not have any excuses to pay a lot of money against their labor. What I really want to say is people who are living and working on in Japan take more their own time to devote their own interests and hobbies. Not only working on the company, but to take their time is needed.
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