

June 22, 2019 by hiroki116

On June 21st, I watched Freakonomics in my class. It was so interesting documentary, and I can disappear many things from the documentary. First, many figures and animations are used in the documentary. For example, seller’s, buyer’s and house’s animation are used in order to show explanations so clearly when two commentators explained about incentives. The other kind of explanations about incentives are also interesting. Data pictures and sumo wrestler’s pictures are used in the documentary. Second, the comments of the commentators and the scholars are so interesting.When they talked about somethings, they didn’t always have bias. For instance, the scholars thought the wrestler as potentially bettors when they said that sumo wrestling are the sports which are used for betting object. This is because sumo wrestling is the sports which has the incentives for betting. Third, they sometimes inspect data in order to check the truth or falsehood. For example, they introduce the person, who did not believe the data about the cause of the rising crime rate. The data didn’t said that legalization of abortion is the cause of the rising crime rate, but they demanded it by using some data. It is so interesting.


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