The Arrival of 2018!!!!!


January 20, 2018 by mami18

Happy New Year, everyone!! Your 1st grade of this Aoyama University is nearly over! How was your last year? Entrance examination, graduation from high school, moving to Tokyo, part-time job, club activity, and so on. I think most of you were so busy last year, weren’t you? Of course, I also spent very busy time in 2017. I think this is a good opportunity to reflect on last year, so I’m thinking of writing down my memory.

At first, I passed an examination of this university. I wanted to study English more, so I decided to enter this university. After an announcement of successful applicants, I played with my friend a lot. Then, I graduated from high school and entered this university. This university’s life was harder than I expected. The most terrible thing for me is an enormous amount of homework. It was very hard for me to succeed in studying and playing at the same time. However, I could go to Disney many times, join club activity, work and earn money, and play with my friends a lot! So, last year was not only the busiest but the most enjoyable year in my life. I want to spend more satisfying time in this year, 2018!!!!!


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