Time is money. Is it important to watch a video at original speed?


June 28, 2024 by ririna70

This interview(https://youtu.be/fgX38jD_7AA?feature=shared is interesting for me, because I usually watch Youtube and video class at 2x too. My friends also do that.

Many Japanese people especially younger watch movies fast-forward.

Doesn’t it show that people think time is more valuable than deep understanding?
I watch a video class at 2x, but I don’t do in case of an English video. The reason is that it is difficult to understand in English and write an essay. On the other hand, I can understand roughly in Japanese. It may not be deep understanding, but my main purpose is submisstion of a homework. I can understand contexts, so there is no problem to watch it at 2x.

In the interview, professer said “it is important to watch a video at 1x, because people get a sense of a non-verbal communication by silece and sliently expressions”.

I’m surprised because it approves logically that watching video at 2x is not good for our lives. I was shocked. However, I cannnot stop watching at 2x, because I feel original speed isn’t efficient and make me more stressfull.

Prefessers need to spread the information bad effects of high speed watching.

In my opinion, almost all people don’t know them.


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