The bias of sexuality from society.


June 28, 2024 by satowa43

I was shocked the news that one woman had to said that she did not pregnant even if she get fat. It is not necessarily natural that women are thin and have nice bodies. It depends on themselves such as men. Women do not have to loose weight if they do not care, but society complain it and laugh. They think women as different animal. It is so terrible. Also, it is problem that many girls, even they are 2 years old, are raped by men. 15 percent of them are under 12 years old. It causes depression or suicide. I imagine that it is scared for little girls because they hurt not only bodies but also minds. I hope assailants are punished strictly and victims can be take appropriate mental care. By the way, many women can get high position of their job. I think it is good for society because it promote that society accept women’s opinion without bias. It often can be seen the bias in advertisements. Women wear sexy clothes and behave seductive. I think it is not good to spread it by broadcasting. People influenced by it and have a wrong image to women. I hope that both men and women live comfortably.


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