This summer vacation


June 27, 2024 by miina256

  Summer vacation will come soon. University student’s summer vacation is long. So, they can do a lot of things. However, because they are free and have time, there are many people who spend their time idly doing nothing, and therefore waste valuable time. I am one of those people. I wasted a year’s summer vacation. Reflecting on that, I want to accomplish something during my second summer vacation. Therefore, it is necessary to set goals and achieve them.

  What I want to start during the summer vacation of my second year is to study for qualification exams such as TOEIC. I belong to the Department of English and American Literature, so I am exposed to English every day. However, I haven’t tried an English exam since I took the Eiken test in high school. I think that taking an English test will help me improve my English skills and give me an opportunity to review my English learning, so I want to start studying when I have time.

  I also want to work hard at my part-time job. I didn’t even do a part-time job during the summer vacation last year. Therefore, there was no money, and only time passed. I want to save money, go on a trip, and save for the future, so I want to actively work part-time and save money.

  I think that whether or not I can spend the summer vacation of the second year to the fullest will make a big difference in my future, so I will do my best to act.


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