Bullying Problem


June 27, 2024 by yasuto20

It is said that anti-bullying measures in Japan is very late than other countries. In the U.S, it seems that it is often suspend or expel the bullying student. In France, it was decided that the bullying is crime in 2022 and if the victim committed suicide or attempted suicide, the perpetrator is subject to a criminal penalty of 10 years imprisonment. In South Korea, to severely punish the perpetrators, the decision was made to reflect bullying perpetration records in the pass-fail determination of university entrance exams.


In Japan, because it is thought that bullying should be resolved by teachers in the school, there is no specific punishment for the perpetrator students. Also, if bullying is discovered, the reputation of the teacher and the school will be damaged, there are many cases that the fact of bullying is covered up by the whole school.


Therefore, in Japan, when bullying occurs, it seems that the parents and children need to stand up to prevent a cover-up. If the whole school cover-up occurs, experts recommend consulting with outside parties such as the board of education, the Human Rights Protection Commission, the mass media, or politicians. Also, they strongly recommend that violence or bullying that cause mental disorder are crime should be reported to the police.


In order to create a society that does not tolerate bullying, it is necessary to spread awareness that bullying is a crime. I think that it is important for many people to speak out and take action so that bullying will be severely punished as in other countries.


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