Yakiniku Restaurant in Tokyo


June 15, 2024 by ayaka312

My favorite food is yakiniku. I have been eating delicious yakiniku at various restaurants since last year. So, this time I will introduce some delicious yakiniku restaurants.

The first is “Sumibi-yaki Honma” in Akasaka. I work here. At the end of the year, we hold a yakiniku party for the employees with the leftover meat. The signature dish is “Exquisite Hormone.”Please come and eat! But I recommend you not to work here because it’s hard work and busy. Actually, I’m going to quit my job soon.

The second is “Toraji Training Center” in Marunouchi. This is the training center of the popular yakiniku restaurant “Toraji” for beginners. All dishes including the course menu are 20% off. I recommend eating the 8000 yen course for 6400 yen.

The third place is “Tendan” in Akasaka. This restaurant has a luxurious feel and many private rooms. The atmosphere is great, so it’s recommended for dinner on special occasions. The recommended menu item is the “Mille-feuille loin”, which is grilled by the staff. It’s very delicious.

I’ve decided to only go to Yakiniku once a month because it’s expensive. I’ve already been there this month, so I’m looking forward to going next month.

1 comment »

  1. remi176 says:

    Thank you for recommending 3 yakiniku restaurants! I often go to “syabuyo”, but rarely visit restaurants for yakiniku. The second one, “Toraji Training Center” service of 20% discount is wonderful! When I read the letter “8000 yen” at first, I felt it too expensive, However, I came to want to use that service! I wish I could visit some more restaurants while I’m in AGU.

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