Stage of India’s video game industry


June 14, 2024 by dongwoo

The other day, I watched a documentary about Indian Institute of Technology on YouTube. The documentary was a fairly old video that was broadcast 10 years ago, but the passion of Indian Tech students was amazing, and now most of the CEOs of Silicon Valley and companies in the U.S. are from Indian Tech. However, through this article, I came to feel that passion for this field is not limited to graduates from Indian University of Technology.

India is emerging as a rapidly growing video game market. Currently, the Indian video game market is mainly accessed through mobile phones and tablets, and fantasy sports games are mainly gaining popularity. The market offers significant business opportunities despite concerns such as gambling and possible addiction.

The game industry is currently looking at the demand for creative games that reflect India’s cultural characteristics. Games based on Indian culture and storytelling are attracting international attention, indicating that Indian game developers have secured their place in the global market.

It’s a key driver of the growth of India’s gaming industry One is the efforts and success of regional developers. Games like Venba and Thirsty Suitors contribute to bringing India’s various cultures and stories to the world. Programs to discover and support video game developers in India are also driving this growth.

However, given that India’s gaming industry is still in its early stages, it takes time for the industry to mature and develop. This development is expected to promote pride and creativity in game development and create more games that reflect India’s cultural characteristics.

Games are media that can connect and understand people through culture. Indian game developers proudly express their cultural identity, which increases the diversity and fun of the game.

Therefore, India’s game industry is expected to grow further through more support, funding, and international awareness.


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