Homestay in Australia


June 14, 2024 by kengo284

I went to Australia as homestay for three weeks. My host family has a father, a mother, a sister and a brother. Sister and brother are younger than me. The time I spent with my host family was wonderful for me. One of the memories is playing some sports with them. They play cricket, and I joined the practice of their team. I thought that cricket was similar to baseball before playing it, but it was a little different from baseball, and it was difficult for me. It was my first time to play it, so I was so excited and it was great experience. Also, regarding sports, I went to sports restaurant to support the football game. It was my first time going to such a place, so I was surprised by the atmosphere, but I felt that I could learn Australian culture. Moreover, I enjoyed eating with my host family. Every dinner to eat with them while having a conversation was a lot of fun. Australian food was very different from Japanese food, but all of them were delicious.

I can’t explain all my great memories!

Through this stay, I had various valuable experiences, and my values have changed a lot. I’m very greatful my host family. I want to go to Australia again, and I’m looking forward to meeting them again.

1 comment »

  1. remi176 says:

    I also have been to Australia as a homestay. I went Brisbane when I was in junior high school and I spent with my host family only 4 nights 5 days… I agree with you that Australian foods are so delicious! Or maybe my host mother cooked well. By the way, I didn’t know “Sports restaurant”. You really like sports don’t you?!

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