Gender Role In Japan


June 14, 2024 by hana48

In Japan, around my daily lives, I often feel the difference between the role of male and female. As we saw in class, eventhough the company is big and well known, sometimes some strange CMs are made.

However, Japanese society is now making progress to become non-binary society. A lot of comments that says it is strange or it is a discrimination areĀ  posted to the CM of Blendy.In other words, even if a company a CM which pushes gender to the forefront and treat women as sex objects, lapdogs, and sex symbols, society will not allow it.Companies market their products to society at large.They must avoid ofending society for their sales and future. The fact that society is becoming more sensitive to gender-related issues means that these issues are on the way to being resolved.

I want to see that Japaneese being a non-binary society while I am living. I am not a woman and not a man, I do not know what sex am I. So I am very interested in non-binary society and people in that society.


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