Are you prepared for earthquakes?


June 14, 2024 by haruno29

Do you have any daily preparations for earthquakes? Japan is also known as an earthquake-prone country, and earthquakes occur in many places every day. The reason why I chose the topic of earthquakes is because the other morning an earthquake alert was issued.I was startled and scared by the bulletin for the first time in a long time. Fortunately, Tokyo was not shaken, but there was a big damage in Ishikawa.I have always had a fear of earthquakes and an interest in being prepared for them, but this time it made me even more so.In fact, I have not prepared any disaster prevention goods, but I am very anxious.

What kind of preparation is necessary for earthquakes? First, prepare water. In the case of a disaster, the water supply will not function, and you will not be able to use toilets as well as drinking water.Each person will need at least three liters of water per day for three days.Considering that you will not be able to use toilets, it is a good idea to have a portable toilet as well. Wet wipes are also useful.Prepare food for several days. Prepare canned food, cup noodles, and other items that will last for a few days. Also, prepare more underwear, etc.Other things you will need are bandages and other first aid supplies, and a radio is also useful.

 We do not know when a serious earthquake will occur in the central part of the city. Prepare disaster prevention goods!

1 comment »

  1. Remi Tanaka says:

    Your essay was so clear and every reader must remind whether they prepare anything for coming earthquake or not. We experienced Great East Japan Earthquake when we were in kindergarten, I cannot believe that it has been 13 years sice then. I prepare bottles of water, some bread cans, helmets, paper toilet, and portable radio for earthquake!

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