June Goal


May 27, 2022 by mana181

May is almost over and next week will be June. I was surprised to know it because by the end of June next month, 2022 will be half past, and time passes so quickly. Therefore, I set a goal for what to do in June, and I am going to write about them.

First is learning English more. Now, at the university, I have many opportunities to use English, but there are many people around me who can do better than I do, and often I can’t express what I want to do well. Thus, I should learn English not only the university’s lessons, but also self-learning to improve my English skills. For example, memorizing words, reviewing grammar, and listening to English a lot.

Second is saving money. Expenses are higher than before since spring vacation, because I went go lunch or dinner with my friends several times, and I sometimes hang out or travel with them. Therefore, there was a lot of expense in food and travel expenses. However, in June, I’m going to try to save money in order to spend only the minimum necessary, say, bringing my bottle, and not buying too much clothes and food.

I want to do my best to achieve these goals firmly.


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