Review of “Tourist”


October 2, 2014 by masako1221

I am going to introduce my favourite film, the Tourist.


Its original story comes from a French film named “Anthony Zimmer”, and Florian Henckel Von Donnersmarck remade it as Tourist in 2010.     This is not a fantasy like Harry Potter and not a sci-fi like a Back to the Future. It doesn’t have exciting action scenes like the Matrix, but I really like its quiet atmosphere, beautiful locations and splendid characters.

Johnny Depp acts Frank Tupelo, a tourist from the US and Angelina Jolie acts Elise Clifton-Ward, whose profile is full of mysteries. Elise receives a letter from Alexander, who she used to love, and it tells her to go to Venice. On the way to Venice, Frank is chosen by her to complete the instructions from Alexander. Although Elise chooses him and spends time together only to do what Alexander wants, she gradually gets attracted by Frank. One day, Frank is involved into a trouble accidentally and Elise decides to leave him for his safety. Soon after she throws herself into finding Alexander, Frank somehow appears in front of her again and his secrets are revealed.


The gorgeous stars act with beautiful music in a classic city of Venice, but sometimes Johnny’s strange Italian makes us laugh. Other characters acted by British actors such as Paul Bettany and Timothy Dalton also make this film interesting.


If you are bored at noisy violent movies or funny animation movies, you should watch this beautiful film including a surprising twist at the end.


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